Edelweiss MF SIP Campaign 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Tata Mid Cap Gr Fund Reg IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 102.0674
24-02-2025 102.5662
21-02-2025 103.6046
20-02-2025 104.7506
19-02-2025 103.6979
18-02-2025 102.7152
17-02-2025 103.2694
14-02-2025 102.7604
13-02-2025 105.147
12-02-2025 105.1455
11-02-2025 105.8522
10-02-2025 108.8966
07-02-2025 110.912
06-02-2025 110.7944
05-02-2025 111.5207
04-02-2025 110.7953
03-02-2025 109.5065
31-01-2025 111.0796
30-01-2025 109.3008
29-01-2025 109.2538
28-01-2025 106.7275
27-01-2025 106.9887
24-01-2025 109.6705
23-01-2025 111.5363
22-01-2025 110.0415
21-01-2025 111.2592
20-01-2025 112.9431
17-01-2025 112.6517
16-01-2025 112.6472
15-01-2025 111.6317
14-01-2025 111.3089
13-01-2025 109.7029
10-01-2025 113.3754
09-01-2025 115.2742
08-01-2025 116.2182
07-01-2025 117.3769
06-01-2025 116.861
03-01-2025 119.0832
02-01-2025 119.3455
01-01-2025 118.0879
31-12-2024 117.6822
30-12-2024 117.0472
27-12-2024 116.9014
26-12-2024 116.9921
24-12-2024 117.1093
23-12-2024 117.068
20-12-2024 117.053
19-12-2024 119.2871
18-12-2024 119.6415
17-12-2024 119.7475
16-12-2024 121.055
13-12-2024 120.3311
12-12-2024 120.4938
11-12-2024 121.29
10-12-2024 121.0684
09-12-2024 120.7335
06-12-2024 121.0148
05-12-2024 121.1077
04-12-2024 121.1676
03-12-2024 120.0981
02-12-2024 118.977
29-11-2024 118.4177
28-11-2024 117.5273
27-11-2024 117.8983
26-11-2024 117.5088
25-11-2024 117.2015
22-11-2024 115.5528
21-11-2024 114.3731
19-11-2024 115.4117
18-11-2024 114.9452
14-11-2024 115.2344
13-11-2024 115.1102
12-11-2024 117.369
11-11-2024 118.2502
08-11-2024 118.7985
07-11-2024 119.8748
06-11-2024 120.7203
05-11-2024 118.6612
04-11-2024 118.0792
31-10-2024 118.8639
30-10-2024 118.9527
29-10-2024 118.8666
28-10-2024 117.9162
25-10-2024 116.8881
24-10-2024 118.4717
23-10-2024 118.1187
22-10-2024 118.1811
21-10-2024 120.7212
18-10-2024 122.3583
17-10-2024 121.8412
16-10-2024 123.6797
15-10-2024 123.6332
14-10-2024 122.9954
11-10-2024 122.3144
10-10-2024 121.9603
09-10-2024 122.5748
08-10-2024 121.5029
07-10-2024 120.0504
04-10-2024 122.6334
03-10-2024 123.3761
01-10-2024 126.1057
30-09-2024 126.0606
27-09-2024 127.0201
26-09-2024 126.7383
25-09-2024 126.756
24-09-2024 126.9069
23-09-2024 126.45
20-09-2024 125.4869
19-09-2024 124.4762
18-09-2024 124.9434
17-09-2024 125.8065
16-09-2024 125.6394
13-09-2024 125.8436
12-09-2024 125.0613
11-09-2024 124.0355
10-09-2024 124.5954
09-09-2024 123.4757
06-09-2024 124.3125
05-09-2024 125.2968
04-09-2024 124.9732
03-09-2024 124.7197
02-09-2024 124.3363
30-08-2024 124.3759
29-08-2024 123.0193
28-08-2024 123.2016
27-08-2024 123.1212
26-08-2024 122.4243
23-08-2024 121.9625
22-08-2024 122.6282
21-08-2024 122.1242
20-08-2024 121.6366
19-08-2024 120.7276
16-08-2024 120.569
14-08-2024 118.7876
13-08-2024 119.4993
12-08-2024 120.757
09-08-2024 120.7133
08-08-2024 120.3
07-08-2024 120.8361
06-08-2024 118.4163
05-08-2024 118.7614
02-08-2024 122.6503
01-08-2024 124.3667
31-07-2024 125.2692
30-07-2024 124.5917
29-07-2024 124.1398
26-07-2024 123.3068
25-07-2024 121.197
24-07-2024 121.1075
23-07-2024 120.4495
22-07-2024 120.2916
19-07-2024 119.1692
18-07-2024 121.6318
16-07-2024 122.5437
15-07-2024 122.1434
12-07-2024 121.7032
11-07-2024 121.9373
10-07-2024 122.0753
09-07-2024 122.483
08-07-2024 121.8989
05-07-2024 122.7003
04-07-2024 122.1032
03-07-2024 121.4114
02-07-2024 120.3365
01-07-2024 120.9415
28-06-2024 119.541
27-06-2024 119.4429
26-06-2024 119.6509
25-06-2024 119.4539
24-06-2024 119.6253
21-06-2024 119.1611
20-06-2024 119.4113
19-06-2024 118.9797
18-06-2024 120.1678
14-06-2024 119.0519
13-06-2024 117.986
12-06-2024 117.3397
11-06-2024 116.4859
10-06-2024 115.3879
07-06-2024 114.723
06-06-2024 113.0559
05-06-2024 110.1012
04-06-2024 106.2821
03-06-2024 115.04
31-05-2024 111.2687
30-05-2024 111.2813
29-05-2024 112.8281
28-05-2024 112.8692
27-05-2024 113.5983
24-05-2024 113.1938
23-05-2024 113.1155
22-05-2024 112.1795
21-05-2024 111.9891
17-05-2024 111.1583
16-05-2024 109.3815
15-05-2024 108.3328
14-05-2024 106.9138
13-05-2024 105.902
10-05-2024 105.1936
09-05-2024 104.5535
08-05-2024 106.5265
07-05-2024 105.8552
06-05-2024 107.6391
03-05-2024 108.2984
02-05-2024 108.4234
30-04-2024 107.5314
29-04-2024 106.9594
26-04-2024 106.7614
25-04-2024 106.196
24-04-2024 105.8052
23-04-2024 105.1399
22-04-2024 104.2509
19-04-2024 103.5007
18-04-2024 103.7556
16-04-2024 103.9592
15-04-2024 103.6059
12-04-2024 104.9857
10-04-2024 105.2673
09-04-2024 104.8404
08-04-2024 104.9983
05-04-2024 104.5914
04-04-2024 104.0291
03-04-2024 104.0591
02-04-2024 103.7738
01-04-2024 102.7434
31-03-2024 100.6471
28-03-2024 100.6618
27-03-2024 100.0514
26-03-2024 99.5609

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